We create artwalks, murals, zines, posters, and public interventions. Our creative work aims to redraft history – so it includes herstories.


We’re new to creating murals, but we’re loving them! We were recently commissioned by SWG3‘s Yardworks GRID project to create two murals in Glasgow for their Southside street art trail.

Our mural in Govan features Mary Barbour and Isabella Elder, and is located on Crossloan Road – next door to where Mary lived during the 1915 Rent Strikes! We also installed a temporary mural on a poster drum in Anderson that highlights local Suffragettes.


We lead guided ‘artwalks’ in Govan, Glasgow and online – these are a kind of guided walk or performance happening that we’ve developed over many years. Our artwalks are participatory, engaging, educational, and usually good fun.

We use temporary graffiti, banners, chalking, call-and-response techniques (inspired by the Occupy Movement’s ‘Human Megaphone’), and general merriment to ‘re-voice’ the words of women activists back into the spaces they lived and worked.

Review of our Virtual Artwalk, Facebook follower

Zines & Posters

We love zines as a way to work with and ‘remix’ historical images – and to show off quotes from women activists. We often host open workshops and work with other groups as a way to invite new visioning of our growing archive of images, quotes, and newspaper clippings.

Our ‘Rent Strikers & Suffragettes’ zine and posters feature activists from Govan, Glasgow. These zines are also included in our ‘Scottish Suffrage Education Packs.


We use stencils as a way to reclaim or rename streets, and even create timelines which illustrate the lives and actions of activists like Mary Barbour.

We also do a lot of chalking – like the Suffragettes! We’ve chalked quotes, blue plaques, and even commentary on existing statues as part of our ArtWalks.

After attending our Artwork in Govan, Glasgow

Our Shop

How many Scottish Suffragettes can you name? Support our work, and get to know these amazing women!

Our zine, posters, and Suffragette Trumps cards make great gifts. The cards are great for families to play together, and promote intergenerational learning.

We worked for over a year to develop teaching resources on Scotland’s Suffrage History, partnering with preeminent scholars to research suffragettes & suffragists who campaigned in each & every region of the country. These amazing activists are featured in these beautiful, robustly researched resources.

Rent Strikers & Suffragettes’ Zine

Limited Edition

Scotland’s Suffrage History Education Pack


Scotland’s SuffrageTTE TRUMPS (SINGLE DECK)



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